The Big Plastic Count Monday 16th – Sunday 22nd May

The Big Plastic Count is a simple yet impactful way to discover your household plastic footprint, whilst contributing vital evidence to push the government for long overdue change. The figures collected will be part of a report that will go to the government to show them it is time for change and to commit to  reducing single plastic use by 50% by 2025 by switching to reusable options that work for everyone – and ban sending our waste to other countries.
The campaign is being led by GreenPeace UK and Everyday Plastics

Count your plastic for one week – 16-22 May 2022.

Across the country, households of all shapes and sizes, schools, community groups and businesses, will gather new evidence.

How much plastic are we really having to throw away, and what happens to it?

Here is how it works with a youtube clip 

Here is some more information 
Please sign up by clicking the link below if you are interested in taking part. You can also put it on your blogs (Pictures attached) and encourage the children with their parents’ help to take part too.

We will be taking part in G1 counting the plastic waste we nuse during the day.

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