This past half term seems to have flown by but it has been thoroughly enjoyable getting to know and teach all of the lovely children in Grayling 2! Thank you to everyone who joined us for our parent / teacher evenings – it is lovely to hear how settled your children are and how much they are loving the learning in Year 2.
A link is included below to a list of the Year 1 / Year 2 Common Exception Words – if the children are able to practise these at home, this will really help to support their learning at school. The link to an online game which could be played on an iPad / mobile phone is also included. Any additional learning will be sent out after the half term to allow the children the chance to have a well-deserved break over the holidays!

Common Exception Words game:
Last week, we enjoyed a visit from King Kimba, poet and Hip Hop artist. He performed some poetry and rap for the children which they all really loved.
In literacy, we have been writing up our own versions of Baba Yaga. We have focussed on using and editing adjectives to help us describe the characters and the setting. We have learnt the story really well and have started to retell it to our friends using the story maps that we made.

In science, we have been learning about the different materials which can be used to make objects. We have also started to look at the properties of materials such as shiny, rough, smooth, soft, hard, transparent, translucent and opaque. In maths, we have started to practise our addition and have explored this using number lines, part-part whole models, column addition and tens frames.
Here are some links to games that could be used to practise at home:
1 / 10 more / less than:
Addition: and
I hope you all have a wonderful half term and I look forward to seeing you after the holidays!
Miss Hosking