What an exciting week we’ve had in the Grayling 2 classroom – from beautiful sunshine to a short-lived downfall of snow!
In the classroom this week, we have been continuing to learn about and practise our times tables. We’ve now practised our 2, 5 and 10s! This week’s home learning will be to practise these at home. For an extra challenge, the children have been encouraged to have a look at these two songs:
In literacy, we have been looking at expanded noun phrases, for example:
the glorious, bright sunshine and the tall, icy mountain
At the beginning of next week, we will be having a go at rewriting the first part of Lila and the Secret of the Rain, incorporating our learning on expanded noun phrases.

We had a visitor in class earlier this week and enjoyed learning about how plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces and makes its way through the river catchment to our rivers and streams before ending up in the sea. We then had great fun looking through water samples and looking for different invertebrates under a magnifying glass. We have also started learning about living things in science and what helps us to identify whether or not something is alive, once alive or never alive. We had fun and went on a walk around the school grounds, trying to identify these things with a partner.
Enjoy your weekends, Grayling 2 – fingers crossed for some more snow!