This week in Grayling 2, we have just finished our learning on multiplication. We’ve been looking at arrays and word problems which incorporat the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children have been enjoying playing Hit the Button to practise these, too, which can be found through the following link:
In science, the children have enjoyed looking at different habitats and the animals that live in them. They had a go at designing their own habitat for a local insect or animal with a friend and have started to learn about adaptation and how different plants and animals have adapted in order to be able to survive in their habitat.

I’ve been blown away by everyone’s home learning over the past few weeks! It’s lovely to see how much the children are enjoying their Topic learning on the polar regions. We’ve loved adding our Rockhoppers and Blue Penguins to the many Antarcticas that have been brought in with the children recently!
The children also really enjoyed sharing their learning with you at our Stay and… session this week. Thank you to all of the grown ups who attended – it was lovely for you to be in our classroom again. Have a happy weekend everyone!