Welcome back everybody – I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing Easter break!
Since we’ve been back in class this week, we have all really enjoyed going to the pond to do some pond dipping to see whether or not we could catch a Bog Baby! This is the text that we are currently looking at in literacy. The children had a lot of fun fishing for pond creatures and we were even lucky enough to be able to (very gently!) touch a frog. We’ve used this experience to write a short recount and to write some instructions on how to pond dip successfully.

In maths, we are continuing our learning on fractions. We have been learning about halves, quarters and thirds and have started to look at which fractions can be added together to make one whole. A couple of links that may be useful at home are:
In science, we have been reviewing our learning on reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish and have started to look at life cycles.

Next week, we will be talking about our class pledge in assembly. We have decided to plant our own sunflower seeds (the theme being cycles) and we will be using recycled materials as planters. If anybody is able to bring in any empty egg cartons or tin cans, that would be wonderful!
Have a very happy weekend!
Miss Hosking