Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been settling into our new routines in Year 3 whilst starting to enjoy some new topics. During this time we have been slowly working through our lists of spellings to evaluate where each child is with their spellings. We do this so throughout the year we can offer completely individual spellings that are at your child’s level and should give them a small yet manageable challenge each week, working towards their own goals.
These spellings will be ‘quizzed’ at the beginning of the week and then new ones sent home on a Wednesday (there are a few exceptions to this, for instance if we have a trip). Please can you make sure your child brings their spelling book in on a Tuesday so we can glue the spellings for the week.

Spellings will look like this with 5 of our common exception word spellings that they need to work on. This is different for every child.
At the bottom of the sheet you will notice the ‘phonic family’ words. These are graphemes that we have noticed they do not spell consistently. It is important to notice the sound and spelling being the same in each word as it helps pattern recognition.
It is important to remember that this is a challenge, and one that we often find the class love, but if they are really starting to struggle as their spellings get a bit tougher please do contact Miss Mansell on the Year 3 email as we can make some changes to help.
Below are some ideas of different ways to support spellings at home: