Welcome to 2024! How time flies, we are already in mid January!
We have been exploring multiplication in Maths, learning how to multiply 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, with renaming! We explored two different methods, the expanded method and the compact method.
In Literacy we have been reading the Black Dog by Levi Pinfold. In our writing we have been using speech, learning about different contractions (such as don’t-> do and not) and thinking about different synonyms for the word ‘fear’. We are looking forward to finding out about the character Small in the book next week.
This week our home learning is to practice some of the common times tables that have been appearing in our Maths learning. These include the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 8s. Below is a grid that we have used to help us practice these different times tables in a random order (this has been sent home in our home learning books).

Have a wonderful weekend, remember to have a look at week 2’s spellings over the weekend for Monday’s quiz! See you on Monday, Miss Mansell