A rainy welcome back to the second half of our Spring term! The sun has began to shine today, hopefully it is here to stay!
This week we designed and made our own jam tarts. We practised different skills including rolling out the pastry once we had made it and cutting it using a crinkled cutter to make our tart base. I hope they were as yummy as they smelt!

We finally got outside today to measure our raised flower beds in the garden. In Maths, we have been exploring length and using millimetres, centimetres and metres. We have been estimating the length of different objects and seeing how close our estimates were to the actual length. We even challenged ourselves to convert our lengths from CM to MM or M to CM.
On Wednesday in Computing, we looked at a new programming environment: Scratch. We looked at the different components and then we had a go at writing a short program to make our ‘sprite’ move across the screen and say hello.

Keep practising the songs on Google Classroom for our upcoming performance at the end of the half term in March and have a lovely weekend, Miss Mansell