We went on a wildlflower walk to the Hillfort with expert Miles King who does some work for the Duchy, Plantlife and Natural England. He showed the children how to find seeds on a buttercup (they look like a pineapple). The children collected these in their cups and then walked back to the Greatfield to […]
Author Archives: Mr Moore
Great Bug Hunt Competition
Simply identify a local habitat, get your child to explore and discover the minibeasts (bugs) that live there, draw them and record their findings. https://www.schoolscience.co.uk/bughunt Send entries by post, including the name of the class teacher, school and year group you’re entering to: Rebecca Dixon-Watmough, ASE, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AA by 15th July 2022. Prizes include […]
Three lucky children from Grayling 1 were chosen to make Orange Shortbread in the Food Technology Kitchen for the rest of the class. They learned to weigh the ingredients, rub the ingredients together and roll out the dough and a cutter to make a circle shape. We all ate the shortbread in the afternoon and […]
Litter Posters
We have been reading the Secret Sky Garden in Literacy this week where Funni creates a beautiful garden on a carpark roof top that previously had litter everywhere. The children put together loads of amazing posters to encourage people not to drop litter but to place it in a bin or take it home with […]
Health Week Cont…
Cricket On Wednesday we learned how to make a Den from long sticks and bungees with Mr Moore and Mrs Beasley. We managed to all get our dens up before it rained. They were really good shelters until it got heavier.
Healthy Week
All week with have taken part in dancing in the courtyard with the whole school. On Monday we made fruit kebabs. On Tuesday we learned to bowl, bat and catch in cricket.
Stay and Sketch
We had an amazing turn out for our stay and sketch of plants. We had loads of talented artists from children to parents. Thank you for everyone that came. The next stay and… will be in July. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Queen’s Platinum Jubliee
Making a Dice
If you do not have a dice at home for the phonic game you could make a dice or there are loads of dice apps you can download on to your phone or tablet. Here is how to make a dice below. https://www.firstpalette.com/craft/paper-dice.html
Rock around the Clock
Please have a go at Rock around the Clock at home encouraging your adults to join in too. We will be doing this dance with the rest of the school during our Jubliee Celebrations on Friday 27th May.