Welcome back everybody – I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing Easter break! Since we’ve been back in class this week, we have all really enjoyed going to the pond to do some pond dipping to see whether or not we could catch a Bog Baby! This is the text that we are […]
Author Archives: Tash Hosking
Our Week (17.03.2023)
We had a lovely time celebrating World Book Day this week, sharing stories in class and looking at all of the amazing potatoes that the children brought in. You can see some of them below! In literacy, the children have worked SO hard on their fantastic non-chronological reports about Emperor penguins. They’ve finally been put […]
Walk and Wheel
Our Week (24.02.2023)
This week in Grayling 2, we have been continuing our learning about multiplication and division. We’ve been learning about these invserse operations and how they link together. For example: 10 ÷ 2 = 510 ÷ 5 = 22 x 5 = 105 x 2 = 10 In literacy, we have been writing our own adventure […]
Our Week (03.02.2023)
This week in Grayling 2, we have just finished our learning on multiplication. We’ve been looking at arrays and word problems which incorporat the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children have been enjoying playing Hit the Button to practise these, too, which can be found through the following link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button In science, the […]
Our Week (20.01.2023)
What an exciting week we’ve had in the Grayling 2 classroom – from beautiful sunshine to a short-lived downfall of snow! In the classroom this week, we have been continuing to learn about and practise our times tables. We’ve now practised our 2, 5 and 10s! This week’s home learning will be to practise these […]
Our Week (13.01.2023)
The children have settled in really nicely since coming back from the Christmas holidays and have already thrown themselves into their learning! In maths, we have started learning our two and five times tables. We’ve looked at how we can create groups of objects to help us to understand what multiplication represents. If you’d like […]
Happy Holidays!
Somehow the end of the Autumn Term is upon us! We’ve been feeling festive this week wearing our Christmas / winter themed outfits on Wednesday and were entertained by our friends in Year 4’s talent show, The Xmas Factor! Yesterday, the children really enjoyed a well-deserved treat making festive Play-Doh! Thank you for your kind […]
Christmas Songs
For this week’s home learning, please have a look at the lyrics for our Christmas performance next week! They have been attached to a document in this blog post. Grayling 2 have done a tremendous job this week in our rehearsals and we cannot wait for you to see us in action next Thursday! Thank […]
Our Week (18.11.2022)
Another week has zoomed by in Grayling 2! We very much enjoyed our trip to Shire Hall and learning about a VIctorian child called Harry Parker. We visited the courtroom and cells, made Victorian peg dolls and put our detective hats on to help decide whether or not we thought Harry was guilty. Thank you […]