We had so many amazing ideas of potatoes dressed as your favourite story book character. Here is what all the children in Grayling 1 came up with. Can you name the characters and the story book they are from?

We had so many amazing ideas of potatoes dressed as your favourite story book character. Here is what all the children in Grayling 1 came up with. Can you name the characters and the story book they are from?
The CPRE National Star count is back from Saturday 26th February – Sunday 6th March.
Starry skies are one of the most magical sights the countryside can offer. Light pollution not only limits our views of these skies, but also disrupts wildlife’s natural patterns.
CPRE research shows that light pollution is leaving fewer stars than ever visible to the naked eye, and they need your help to track how light levels are changing.
Choose a clear night between 26 February – 6 March 2022 and look to the skies to see how many stars you can spot within Orion. Please sign up here https://takeaction.cpre.org.uk/page/95329/data/1?locale=en-GB
Also some resources are here too. https://www.cpre.org.uk/resources/star-count-2022-family-activity-pack/
The Star Count appeared on Newsround this week. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/60557196
Hello Year 1
Here are some things that will keep you busy at home today. If you can do join me live at 9am for a quick good morning and then at 1pm for a catch up. The office at Damers will have sent you a link to do this.
This half term we have explored lots of different traditional tales. Pick a baddy from one of them and create a wanted poster for them! You might pick the witch from Rapunzel, the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood or maybe the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. Yesterday we gave you a sheet that you could use to do it on.
Here are some examples
Please click on the link and watch this split digraph lesson. You can join in when asked to. Remember to have paper and pencil at the ready!
Make a number line that looks like this (with each number in a separate box):
Have 2 piles of number cards – in one pile have single digit numbers (0-9) and in the other have teen numbers (11-20)
Turn over one card from each pile and create a subtraction number sentence eg.
Top tips: Remember to always write the greatest number first!
Use ‘Froggy Fingers’ to start on the greatest number then ‘jump’ as you count back.
This afternoon you can decide if you would like to do the art or the music or if you want you could do both!
We have been looking at lots of fairytale books by Author and Illustrator Beth Woolvin.
Can you draw yourself in the style of Beth Woolvin? Why not create a family portrait?
Here are some links to her books online.
The first clip explains how composer Gabriel Prokofiev created his unique ‘Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra’ and shows him performing the piece with an orchestra.
In the second clip you can learn a cool table top dance sequence inspired by this piece of music. Learn some moves with dancer and choreographer Jordan Douglas and create your own sequence inspired by turntables!
Click on the link below – you will need to scroll down to ‘Get moving and create turntable inspired choreography with Sadler’s Wells…’https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces/ten-pieces-tasters/zjy3382
Here is what we use at school to help form our letters. Please look at the formation column (4th column) along with the phase we say when forming that letter. Please have a go at home making sure the letters stay on the line and between the lines.
Here are some phonic games we have been playing in class that you can have a go at home.
Internet Safety Day
Today is national Safer Internet Day and we have spent time in class discussing how we use the internet in our day-to-day lives and how to stay safe when online or when using technology with a particular focus on online gaming. The discussions we had in class today might be a good starting point for a discussion at home about online safety so if your child can’t remember what they did at school today then ask them about how they can stay safe online and they might be able to give you a few pointers!
For more information you can also look at our Online Safety pages on the Damers website here http://www.damers.dorset.sch.uk/parents/online-safety/ or you could also visit the national Safer Internet Day website at https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2022
Today your child is bringing home a game to help them read words that have split digraphs. If you would like to find out more so that you can support your child then please watch the video below.
Some children may need a little support to play the game but playing it several times will help their confidence grow.
Well done Grayling Foundation on an amazing first year at school! Thank you for being such a lovely, fun, energetic and caring class. We have loved teaching every single one of you!
We also thank you and your families for the extremely, kind and thoughtful gifts and messages we received. Having the pleasure to teach your children is more than enough but we are very grateful for your generosity.
We hope you all have a fantastic summer break and look forward to waving to you across the path and corridor in September.
Happy holidays!
Love Miss Baker & Mrs Jackson xx
This week we looked really carefully at the trees outside and found some minibeasts! The caterpillars are particularly great at being camouflaged!
We once again finished our week with an assembly with Mrs Smith where Oscar and Louis received Golden Butterflies… well done!
Finally, we have enjoyed talking about football from where Europe is, what the stadium looks like and how if you win you celebrate but if you loose then you just keep on trying. Have a lovely weekend everybody and enjoy the excitement of the football!
Thank you Emily’s Mummy for the kind gift of the England flags!
Today we enjoyed our very own Foundation assembly outside with Mrs Smith. We listened to Grayling 4 sing us some songs and Mrs Smith presented some Golden Butterflies. Stevie received the first Golden Butterfly for her amazing progress and caring manner. The second Golden Butterfly was for ALL of Grayling Foundation for being such a brilliant team, hard learners and for having such a fantastic first year at school. What a lovely way to end our week!